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Sewage Enforcement Officers

Site Design Concepts, Inc. - Primary

Adam Anderson, P.E., SEO
127 W. Market St.
York, PA 17401
Phone – 717-757-2734
Fax – 717-840-8205
Email –

Site Design Concepts, Inc. - Alternate

Lee Webb, SEO, Jordan Shenk and Jeremy Kerstetter
127 W. Market St.
York, PA 17401
Phone – 717-757-2734
Fax – 717-840-8205
Email –

Residents with complaints concerning sewage system malfunctions may contact the Township office. Any testing or inspections for sewage systems because of malfunctions can be directed through Mr. Anderson. All sewage system applications must be issued through Site Design Concepts, Inc.

For fees – Contact Site Design Concepts, Inc. at 717-757-2734 or email

Cash and checks made payable to Lower Windsor Twp. are the only two acceptable forms of payment for permit applications.

Any further inquiries that cannot be answered by the Township SEOs can be directed to
PA DEP – Department of Environmental Protection
Southcentral Regional Office
909 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110

24 hour emergency response 800.541.2050

**Complaints can be made to the Township office or Site Design Concepts, Inc.**

OLDS Septic Pumping Information

In December 2001, Lower Windsor Township adopted an OLDS, (On-lot sewage disposal system), Ordinance No. 2001-02, as part of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protections approval of the Act 537 plan. This ordinance, establishing the OLDS program, became effective January 1, 2002. The following is a summary of each property owner’s responsibilities under the Ordinance:

1. Property owners must pump their on-lot sewage disposal system once every four years based on the following schedule:

      1. Properties located in Lower Windsor Township District #1: Calendar year 2002 District #1 shall consist of all properties east of Cool Creek and Cabin Creek Roads and north of East Prospect and Calvary Church Roads. Calendar years to have septic pumped are 2022, 2026, 2030, 2034, etc.
      2. Properties located in Lower Windsor Township District #2: Calendar year 2003 District #2 shall consist of all properties south of East Prospect and Calvary Church Roads and east of Prayer Mission and Snyder Corner Roads. Calendar years to have septic pumped are 2023, 2027, 2031, 2035, etc.
      3. Properties located in Lower Windsor Township District #3: Calendar year 2004 District #3 shall consist of all properties west of Prayer Mission and Snyder Corner Roads and south of East Prospect Road. Calendar years to have septic pumped are 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, etc.
      4. Properties located in Lower Windsor Township District #4: Calendar year 2005 District #4 shall consist of all properties north of East Prospect Road and west of Cabin Creek and Cool Creek Roads.  Calendar years to have septic pumped are 2025, 2029, 2033, 2037, etc.

2. After the above schedule is completed, the schedule rotation will start over again.

3. If you pumped your system within 1 year of your notification, and can submit a copy of your receipt to the Township, you will be considered to be in compliance with the ordinance. The new date that your system must be pumped will be in the next four-year cycle.

4. When you arrange to have your system pumped, contact one of the approved pumpers/haulers  licensed to operate within Lower
Windsor Township. Licensed pumpers are responsible for providing both property owners and the Township with a detailed report of each system they pump. Pumpers licensed by the Township must provide the location where they dispose of septage, and abide by all state and local regulations.

Septic tanks may only be pumped from/through the manhole/access port of the tank. The pumper/hauler is prohibited from pumping from/through any inspection/observation port. 

Holding Tanks are required to be inspected and pumped annually. 

Any person owning a building served by an ‘alternative system’ or on-lot sewage disposal system which contains an aerobic treatment tank or other tank with mechanical equipment necessary for its proper operation shall follow the operation and maintenance recommendations of the manufacturer. A copy of the manufacturer’s recommendations and the service agreement shall be submitted to the Township at intervals specified by the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Please call the Township office at 717-244-6813 with any questions. Your cooperation with the OLDS program is greatly appreciated.